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December 8, 2011

Religion class was overall enjoyable this year. Mr Burden heavily incorporated the use of advancing technology and we benefit because we improved are ability to learn using technology as well as learning the religion criteria. We learned lots about religion and my understanding of the history o f the Catholic Church and other studies was developed furthermore than it had previously been.

It was a successful year in which i achieved good results and enjoyed myself and learned during the process and course of the year.

October 16, 2011

Being apart of a Catholic school is very important to me and is something that I value and appreciate. As a Greek Orthodox I understand that the two religions share similarities, therefore making it easy for me to relate to the catholic way of life and teachings. The everyday morals and correct ways to live a Christian life are an essential part of my way of living and at Saint Mary’s Cathedral College is receive the correct teachings of catholic and religious values and morals.

Being a Christian means a lot to me and is something that must be taken into consideration when acting all the time in life. Having a direct relation to Catholicism through the school community is a very valuable aspect of life.

It means a lot to be apart of the community and it allows me to explore, discover and use the information I learn and apply it to my every day lifestyle. I enjoy learning about the catholic way of life and church activities. It overall enhances my relationship with God and brings more faith and understanding. Being apart of a catholic community also allows me to participate in charity work and help others in need.

August 23, 2011

July 29, 2011

July 29, 2011

Bali bombing memorial site. Remember what was done…

July 22, 2011

Old man helping

July 22, 2011

Apocaliptic writing

June 3, 2011

Revelation, Apocalyptic Writing and the Old Testament

Revelation belongs to a class of chiefly Jewish (and later Christian) literature called “apocalyptic.” In fact, the word “apocalypse” has been borrowed from Revelation and applied to these other writings.

Apocalyptic refers, in a broad sense, to a group of writings found in the biblical world between 200 B.C. and A.D.100. Two specific historical markers are usually given for the span during which the Jewish apocalyptic works were written and edited. They are the persecution of the Jews by the Syrian king Antiochus Epiphanes (167 B.C.) and the destruction of the Jewish nation by the Roman emperor Hadrian (A.D. 135).

Apocalyptic writings usually had certain characteristics in common. Writers generally claimed that a divine disclosure had been given through an angelic intermediary. God’s secret purpose was said to have been revealed through a dream or vision in the heavenly realm. Almost all apocalypses are pseudonymous. Writers of apocalyptic works usually wrote in the name of heroes from Israel’s history. There are books ascribed to Enoch, Abraham, the Twelve Patriarchs, Moses, Ezra, Enoch and Elijah, among others.


May 27, 2011


May 24, 2011